Fact, Obama has brought in a new era in politics, this can be substantiated by his election.
He (Obama) appealed to peoples intellect, that there is something still purposeful in being an American, and a reason for us to have "Hope". He has made and attempt to make the government work for the people, a government that in recent years has continued to use its authority in ways to demean and debunk the constitution. Lets see, what are the key issues of the day, that we are talking about, that we did not come up let's say 8 years ago.
Health care- America is the only industrialized nation, who makes its citizens pay to live. Our health is based on class versus other factors. Democrats have killed the agenda, infighting and bickering, has delayed a progressive approach that Democrats have been attempting to champion for years. Obama came into with clear vision, although non specific, but the fact is people he had a vision, that entailed making peoples lives a lot less stressful. The Republicans, have failed to produce anything meaningful in the area. Their plans focus on tort reforms, which amount to a myopic cost reduction. Additionally, they discuss allowing people to travel across state line, how, and who will be able to do this. Their plans, insure the insurance companies pockets continue to thicken, as Granny has to choose between, that knee replacement, breast exam and chicken fried rice with evaporated milk.
My prognosis- Obama needs to call a meeting with the entire Democratic Delegation. Either you will do, accept the agenda, with provision or your part of their faction. No need to continue to fight, either you want people to have access to healthcare, and your willing to do something to augment the status quo or not.
The Baucus Bill leaves too much out, and the Public option- Opt out, is actually a good measure for conservative democrats. But at the end of the day, THERE IS NO REASON, FOR US TO LEAVE THIS TABLE EMPTY HANDED.
In the interest of your reading, I will not indulge any other issues with great detail, but will say, that as a independent voter and thinker. I feel OBAMA has done more in these past 10 months, to advance this country to the next level, than the eight years Bush had, 4 illegally, and 4 built on pity.
The only meaningful legislation in my estimation was " Every Child Left Behind" I cite this because at least, he realized there needed to be a change, although his plan did not succeed in financially backing the districts it was a start.
Finally, the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama got it based on his "Hope" Message, if he was not good at articulation, he is also good at association. He spoke to groups who were not willing to associate with USA. He has changed our Global standing, he has given credence to the idea, that countries can work together for increased productivity versus bantering and violence. Let us embrace this award as a call to action for him. A note permanently in the oval office, letting him know that he should not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we ( the american people) shall reap if we faint not. Lastly, his inability to have anything in concrete is not because of his choice, but because he walked into Washington, with hope, met by the sinister and overall political machine not willing to change for the betterment of the american people.